The project implements two core activities:
Activity 1 – Creation of Virtual space for storytelling and exchange – UkraineYouth.EU
The activity will implement the following main tasks, which are logically leading to the successful delivery of results:
1. Setting up, development and content integration of a Virtual space for storytelling and exchange.
The space will be a ground for exchange of information, ideas and profiles of the youth migrants from Ukraine. More specifically it will have the following main features:
- Board for Youth information for migrants from Ukraine with a focus in the field of performing and visual arts – advises and guidelines;
- Board for Success stories of personal experiences of young migrants from Ukraine – video records with stories, successes and failures, lessons learned, tips and useful advices.
- Board for Initiatives for supporting of initiatives and individuals in their need and causes in the host countries – Job board for Ukrainian artists – young migrants – containing individual profiles with talents, skillsets, portfolios, and demonstrations.
2. Preparatory work
In order to achieve an effective and working space, it should be made together and with the cooperation of the local migrants community in the partners countries. Selection of young people from these communities will be made for implementing two main tasks:
- (1) having their volunteer support in the communication with their friends and peers from the Ukrainian art community and
- (2) shortlisting of participants for the storytelling board of the space, where they would stand up with their faces and stories and would be willing to provide support and advice to their community.
3. Cooperation with the local youth and youth workers of the partnership organizations.
They will have the main task to make contacts with the young Ukrainians, and to encourage them to participate. They will further elaborate the Youth board and the Initiatives board.
Activity 2 – Organization of Cultural event (fest) at the end of the project
The activity will include the organization of an event with the support of dissemination activities before and after it. The cultural event will be held in the coordinator’s country – Bulgaria. It will take the form of a concert and an exhibition space, where musicians and visual artists from the Bulgarian migrant communities of Ukraine, and more specifically young people with talents and willing to participate, will have the chance to sing, dance, perform or exhibit products of visual arts. Their performances and exhibitions will be merged with those from participants from Spain and Romania, as well as young people from Bulgaria. The partnership will make efforts to upscale the cultural event to the format of a Festival, but it would highly depend on the specific circumstances at the time of the organization and the activation of the migrants youth during the implementation of the previous activity. The coordinator will make the arrangements, necessary during the organization of the cultural event – hall rent, contracts with copy rights organizations, provision of the necessary technical equipment and furniture. The organization of the event will be supported by the partner organizations through provision of participants and ideas.
The cultural event will be broadly marketed in the social and standard media, in order to attract audience. It will also be streamed online through the available streaming platform, administered by the coordinator – A fundraising campaign might be organized for supporting different migrants or individual initiatives. Other donors and sponsors might also be invited to the event, so that it would take a bigger scale and be organized in a form of a Festival. After completion of the event, all media and interest will be relocated to the virtual space, where the public will be motivated to participate and further initiate initiatives and campaigns.